Long Road Partners

Launching a new idea?Managing a leadership transition?Investing in a new growth path?Navigating a crisis?

Long Road Partners is the partner you want as you take on your toughest challenges.We specialize in working with high-growth companies, start-ups, socially conscious organizations, and individuals looking to design, replicate and scale bold solutions to persistent problems.

About Us

Long Road Partners is wholly owned and managed by its principals. Each of our business units and companies are staffed and managed by teams of highly-skilled, experienced professionals, all of whom share an unwavering commitment to our culture, values, and discipline and to the consistent delivery of successful results to our clients and portfolio companies.While our primary focus is on working with the best entrepreneurs with the right solutions, we will occasionally act as entrepreneurs ourselves, creating and acquiring companies that combine the right talent, capital, technology and business models to further our purpose of solving problems, creating impact, and leaving a lasting and positive impact on our communities.

Our Mission

We exist to form long-lasting, value-creating partnerships with exceptional management teams and employees who share our goals of creating significant long-term growth while simultaneously leaving a lasting and positive impact on our communities.

Our Approach

The path to growth & greater impact runs along the long road

Like our name, we focus on building long-term strength, flexibility, and strategies to help our clients and customers meet today’s challenges and seize tomorrow’s opportunities.While our solutions are customized for every client and challenge, we believe that real growth and impact come from three primary drivers: leveraging technology as a transformative force; creating a compelling customer experience and trusted brand; and, investing in scalable business and growth strategies.Our approach is rooted in candor. That begins with admitting we’re not like other companies. While most provide the same advice and same people for whatever challenge a client might bring them, we focus on deploying the best talent and resources to ensure you can seize the opportunities before you. No two companies or opportunities are alike—so why should the solutions be?

Our Strategy

Long-term growth built on thoughtful improvements over time

Our approach isn’t complicated and it doesn’t include a lot of fancy words or concepts. But that’s why it works.We work closely with every company and their teams to take advantage of expansion opportunities, accelerate revenue growth, expand their business processes and accelerate business development. Our strategy includes:

  • Long-term growth built on thoughtful improvements over time: Where others look for quick wins and accounting tricks, we approach growth and business development through patience, hard work, and trust. Before we choose to partner with a team, we get to know the business, spend time getting to know the owners and their teams to understand their goals and approach, and thoroughly so we can help make thoughtful improvements. We don’t seek to fix what isn’t broken.

  • Patience and collaboration: We don’t believe in quick fixes. Instead, our objective is to work closely with management teams to assure an alignment of interests, implementing plans and solutions built on their mission, values, and strategic focus. We believe solutions built this way take time to develop and always lead to better long-term value.

  • Adding value: Our goal is to make good companies and ideas even better. We do this over time by providing the resources, knowledge and talent to implement positive, growth-producing changes.

  • Business Advisory Services: Businesses across all industries face big challenges, and oftentimes, investment alone is not enough to help scale a business or overcome a challenge. We work with companies that are growing or have the potential for growth, if given the appropriate tools and supports.

  • Candor Creates Trust: Our approach is rooted in candor. That begins with admitting we're not like other companies. While most provide the same advice and same people for whatever challenge a client might face, we focus on deploying the best talent and appropriate resources to ensure you can seize the opportunities before you. Our teams change with every project because no two companies or opportunities are alike.

  • Legal & Regulatory Support: Every company that grows often faces regulatory and legal obstacles. These include the necessity to restructure existing entities into a form that improves efficiencies and encourages future investment, to formalize board and corporate governance procedures, to comply with new local laws, and manage risk. We team with companies to offer complete legal assistance and strategy.

Case Studies

Want to know more about what we do? Take a look at our resources and client case studies

Problem-solving as a service
We’ve been fortunate to work with incredible teams at for-profit and not-for-profit companies, and governments on the local, state and national level. We believe our approach works because we begin by forming long-lasting, value-creating partnerships with exceptional management teams and individuals who share our goals of creating significant long-term growth while simultaneously leaving a lasting and positive impact on our communities. Here are just some of the companies and organizations we’ve worked with in the past.

  • Education Technology and Procurement: Approached by an entrepreneur, Long Road helped hone their initial idea, source technology partners, develop and launch the first product, and secure funding and user testing.

  • Opioid treatment company: When development had stalled, Long Road created funding, marketing, and business systems and materials for client while working with state and federal government entities to help bring product to market.

  • Real Estate development firm: A fast-growing company faced potential slow-downs if it couldn’t get a handle on its back-office. Long Road refined their back-office operations to increase efficiency, operational capacity, and investments in scale, allowing company to grow to additional cities and return investments to their capital partners ahead of schedule.

  • Consortium of Schools: Long Road was recently approached to help develop innovative transportation solutions that would increase student and family stability and solve city-wide challenges caused by inadequate transportation solutions

  • Education Nonprofit: When the Founder/Executive Director of a non-profit suddenly departed, Long Road provided crisis management, developed procedures and executive support, and sustained donor relationships and continued operations.

Contact Us

Long Road Partners

Let Us Know How We Can Help

We love building and working with teams to shape, drive, and leverage change. Contact us to let us know how we can help you and your team accomplish great things.